Death is a natural part of life. Although it feels uncomfortable to talk about it, it’s still one of those things that every person has to face. It’s hard to say goodbye to a loved one, but cremations and burials allow us to memorialize them.
And for anyone choosing between a burial or a cremation, it can be a tough personal decision. There are much planning involved and many things to consider like religion, family traditions, and personal preferences. While most people opt for direct cremation services due to their being cheaper, the reality is their costs are much closer than you think.
When you choose cremation, you should note that picking the urn or vault (in some cases) your family prefers is important. It will be the final resting place of your loved one. Burials, on the other hand, involve picking the right casket, the opening and closing of the grave, and also paying for the transportation of your loved one.
So, whatever the case may be, it’s important to learn more about them. Now, let’s take a look at the differences between burials and cremations and their pros and cons below.
Cremation is the burning of the remains of a person and turning them into ash or bone fragments. There will be no physical form of your loved one in this way. Once you scatter their ashes, they will live on in an abstract way.
A burial service puts deceased one’s remains in a casket to be buried underground. It is also a more traditional ceremony that is widely accepted by most religions.
Both cremation and funerals are smart choices for burial. And choosing between them can be decided by the preference of each person. Regardless of what option you choose, it’s important that a trusted and quality service provider is there to help you. With Direct Cremation Services of Virginia, we can help you decide what option is right for you. Get in touch with us today.